Happy Easter everyone

Happy Easter everyone

I want to update you on progress since our club meeting held on 17th March.


John Higgs continues to manage the purse strings tightly. We are keen for anyone with experience in finance/business to join the Finance Sub-Committee. Please contact John for more information and Terms of Reference for this group.


This no-cost initiative has raised £185 since we launched the idea on 21st November. We now have 28 supporters – thank you! Please consider using this for any online purchases.  It’s very easy to set-up on your computer. More information here 

You shop. Your cause gets money. For free.


If anyone needs help please ask John Higgs, Jo Hicks or Ian Dandy.

New Kit

As previously announced, we are very fortunate to benefit from an anonymous donation which has enabled us to order a new club shirt for every playing member.

An order was placed yesterday for 75 Shirts (some spares for potential new joiners) and 45 Hoodies which members are funding for themselves. We have registered the new design with Bowls Wiltshire.

A massive thanks to Jo Hicks who has managed the challenging task of compiling the order and ensuring that people get the correct size. We are expecting delivery within the next 4/5 weeks.

Dates for Your Diary/Club Events

Christine Biles works tirelessly to organise events designed to have fun whilst generating income for the club.

 The following have volunteered to help with such events:

Irene Aldridge

Josie Etherington

Gordon Pearce

Tricia Pearce

Maggie Jordan

Gala Day

The Gala Day is confirmed for Saturday 13th July. This is an important event which will add vital funds to club income. Many thanks to Shaun Hicks for leading this event and to Andrews Quality Meats for the generous sponsorship.

The following have volunteered to help:

Kevin Brown (BBQ)

Ian Dandy (BBQ)

Pauline Shelley

Elaine White

Richard Young

Maggie Jordan

Gordon Pearce

Tricia Pearce

Al Cumming 

Chris Hidden

Shaun will in touch shortly to arrange a get together for the Gala Day Sub-Committee

Bar Team

Tony Jenner is busy scheduling the Bar Rota for the coming months and ensuring that our clubhouse is fit for purpose.

The following have expressed an interest in joining the team. Thank you!

Irene Aldridge

Linda Young

Richard Young

James Shelley

Maggie Jordan

Andy Sears

Mike Eckett

Chris Biles

Neil Biles

Chris Hidden

Ian Dandy

Tony is arranging training for this vital role in supporting the club.

Green Update

Lots of work over the past months designed to provide a fantastic playing surface for the new season. Shaun, Kevin and the team have raised the green at the club house end and are currently renewing the backboards and the team have spent considerable hours treating and nurturing the green.

Many thanks to Martin Biles for his continued generous support of the club in providing his expertise and lots of supplies.

The following have volunteered to join Shaun’s Green-keeping Team:

Alan Parsloe

Colin Aldridge

Mike Eckett

Given the excessive rainfall in recent months our green is very soft. The forecast for the next few weeks is not too promising. It’s possible that there will be restrictions on opening and usage during the early season, in order to protect the green.  It will also be important to move the mat regularly, delver your bowls properly and not to throw them from a height which is likely to damage the surface.

Please be understanding.

Working Party – A reminder that we will be carrying out numerous tasks on 6th/7th April 8.30am-1.00pm to get the club and grounds ready for the start of the new season. Please come along and help.

Open Day (Weekend)

Christine Biles will be leading the open day weekend on 25/26 May.

It’s an opportunity to showcase all that is good with Highworth Bowls Club and to give people the chance to have a go at lawn bowls.

The following have offered to support:

Alan Parsloe – Sunday

Ian Dandy – both days

Pauline Shelley – Saturday late morning onwards

Irene Aldridge – both days

Sue McCormack – both days

Josie Etherington

Ray Deer – Saturday

Linda Young – Sunday

Gordon Pearce – both days

Tricia Pearce – both days

Maggie Jordan – both days

Jean Renno – both days

Elaine White – both days

John White – both days

Mike Eckett – both days

Chris Biles – both days

Joan Tompkins – both days

John Tompkins – both days

Chris Hidden – both days

Al Cumming – both days

Club Management & Stewardship

Maggie Jordan continues to lead in this regard and has recently circulated the updated Club Constitution to all members.

Following the meeting, Al Cumming has expressed an interest in becoming a Trustee of the Club and is likely to replace Mr Ian Thomas who has indicated his desire to step down. There are a number of legal processes to follow before appointment can be confirmed.

We have also learned that the past committee did, in actual fact, register the club under the Trust Registration Scheme backdated to 2016.

I am also working with Maggie to ensure that the Management Committee (MC) works as effectively as possible. To this end I propose making some changes to meeting preparation and management, together with refining reporting lines. All will be congruent with the current club constitution.


Inviting at least one Trustee to attend MC Meetings in an observational capacity.

Co-opting a Communications Officer onto the MC, so as to ensure that all news is updated swiftly on club website, Facebook, X, and membership emails. This will be a non-voting position.

Reinforcing the different type of roles on the MC: Officers, Committee members and Co-opted roles by re-stating voting rights and introducing a new management structure and reporting lines.

To continue to use the recently introduced idea of Sub-Committees to get work done and report to the MC.

I hope that this information is useful. Should you have any questions please contact me via email:  email hidden; JavaScript is required

Best Regards
