Highworth Bowls Club

HBC Green Opening – 14th April

Happy Easter everyone,

I hope that you enjoy the weekend with family and friends. We are fast approaching the new season and I look forward to you at the official green opening on Sunday 14th April 2pm

Our president Neil Biles will be rolling the first woods of the season at 2pm. On the day we will arrange for a competitive, but fun bowls event to ease everyone into the new season.

Gordon Pearce and I will organise a suitable format, once we know how many players would like to join in.

Following the bowls there will be a BBQ and you will be able to purchase burgers, hot dogs etc and enjoy a drink or two from the bar.

I look forward to seeing everyone on 14th.

Best Regards


Message from the Chairman

Good morning everyone,

It’s nice to see some sunshine at last. I was at the club last weekend and the green looks in magnificent shape as Shaun, Kevin and the team prepare it for the new season.

May I remind you that we are scheduled to have a club meeting on Sunday 17th March starting at 10.30 am, for all bowling and social members of our club. We will provide updates on Finance, Key Dates for your diary, Social Events, Bowling Matters and Club Support.

The clubhouse will be open from 9.45 am on 17th and Christine and the team will be serving bacon rolls and tea/coffee prior to the meeting.

Following the main meeting there will be a short break before a Men’s section bowling meeting, where Shaun will outline plans for the new season.

Please make every effort to attend.

Best Regards


News from the Clubhouse

Dear Member

Just a quick update ahead of our Spring meeting on the 17th March which hopefully you will be able to attend.

When you come into your Clubhouse, you will find that thanks to the generosity of one of our sponsors, Martin Biles, the pipe on the left-hand wall has been boxed in. Furthermore, the clubhouse has had a lick of paint. We hope to further spruce up the clubhouse by renewing the curtains in the near future.

We have also procured a new iPad for the bar and I have to say it’s a pleasure to use.

I have, in response to requests, now added London Pride and Guinness Zero to the bar stock. In addition, I have changed both Rio and Apple tango to the lighter versions. If you have any thoughts of other lines we could put on or perhaps a different flavour of a drink we already stock please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes


From the Chairman – Our Green

“Wow, has our green ever looked so good in early March?  Thanks to Shaun, Kevin and the greenkeeping team.  Fantastic work folks”

Ian Dandy

Internal Club Competitions 2024

Entries for the Internal Club Competitions is now open, see entry form below for further details

Completed entry forms can be emailed to the Competition Secretary (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

Highworth Bowls Club Competition Entry Form 2024